PHPStan is a static analysis tool for PHP. This extension integrates the output of PHPStan in VSCode allowing the developer to find errors quicker.
PHPStan is required to use this extension. By default the plugin will search the global vendor folder and the workspace vendor folders.
The COMPOSER_HOME environment variable can be set to change where the plugin searches.
This path can be manually set using the phpstan.path
PHPStan can be installed globally using:
composer global require phpstan/phpstan
or locally using:
composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan
vscode-phpstan provides the following configuration properties and defaults:
"phpstan.enabled": true,
"phpstan.path": null,
"phpstan.level": "max",
"phpstan.memoryLimit": "2048M",
"phpstan.projectFile": null,
"phpstan.options": []
and <workspacefolder>/phpstan.neon.dist
will be used when phpstan.projectFile is set to null.
phpstan.options can be used to pass extra parameters to the phpstan commandline call.