A simple cli for fetching content from vidsrc.to by resolving m3u8's from common sources used by the site.
While I plan on maintaining this for the foreseeable future, please note that I do intend to eventually archive this and merge all the work here into a package consisting of all other sources I have previously worked on.
Consider this a usable public dev build, I wont be pushing any breaking changes.
- Add QoL features like autoplay
- Add basic search functionality
- Add download functionality
- Allow users to customise certain output, such as the tmdb response string(s)
- Add more configurability (allow users to pass their own subtitles url/file, ect)
- Add settings file and allow users to save their prefrences e.g default-subtitles
- Save user media data + watch time
- vidplay.site (https://vidplay.site/)
- filemoon (https://filemoon.sx/)
- mpv-player (https://mpv.io/)
- python3 (https://www.python.org/)
Download the repo
git clone https://github.com/Ciarands/vidsrc-to-resolver.git
Move into repo folder
cd vidsrc-to-resolver
Download dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the file
python3 vidsrc.py
python3 vidsrc.py --help
This is purely intended as proof of concept, the distribution of program is intended for educational purposes ONLY.