
The game “foundation” (i.e. the solution file, the project file, a mainMenu form, and example component). We can then fork this repo for each of the teams so that they have what they need to get started.

Primary LanguageC#

Hunt the Wumpus

This is our implementation of the Hunt the Wumpus game!


Under the Htw directory is the Visual Studio solution file, along with the Htw project and the HtwTests project.

The Htw project

The Htw project is broken up into different packages


This contains classes that are common across all objects, like the Direction enumeration (which needs to be filled in)


This contains the objects that you're assigned to (e.g. Cave, GameControl, etc.). Initially, it just contains an example component class.


This contains any User Interface forms. Initially, it just contains the MainMenuForm.


This is where the game's embedded resources live (like images and sounds)

The HtwTests project

The HtwTests allow you to make sure that your object is working as you expect. You'll write tests to validate your object's behavior. Initially, it just contains an example test that create the Example component and validates the result of the Initialize method call.


The samples directory contains some sample code to help develop the game