Project for LKR class at Epita
The goal of this project is to decompress strings compress withs differents operator. There is 4 differents operators, ALT, SEQ, PAR, LOOP.
The par operator, will combine the letters for every permutation. (infinite arity)
function: PAR(a, b) => ab; ba
prototype: par(L, RES) where L is the list of given letters and RES list of result
The seq operator, will concat the given input in a single string (infinite arity)
function: SEQ(a, b) => ab
prototype: seq(L, RES) where L is the list of given letters and RES list of result
The alt operator will return one by one the given arguments (infinite arity)
function: ALT(a, b) => a; b
prototype: alt(L, RES) where L is the list of given letters and RES list of result
The loop operator will repeat the letter or sequence of letter to the infinite
function: LOOP(a) => a; aa; aaa; ...
prototype: loop(X, RES) where X is the given letter or sequence of letter
To launch the test suite:
$ swipl tests/
?- run_tests.
Which should output:
% PL-Unit: alt
.alt(a, b) -> a; b
.alt(a, b, c, d) -> a; b; c; d
% PL-Unit: seq
.seq(a, b) -> ab
.seq(a, b, c, d) -> abcd
% PL-Unit: par
.par(a, b) -> ab; ba
.par(a, b, c) -> abc; acb; bac; bca; cab; cba
% PL-Unit: loop
.loop(a) -> a; aa; aaa; ...
.loop(a, b, c, d) -> abcd; abcdabcd; abcdabcdabcd; ...
% PL-Unit: altSeqParLoop
.seq(alt(a, b), c, d) -> abd; bcd
.par(seq(seq(a), alt(b, c))) -> ab; ba; ac; ca
% All 10 tests passed