

TomeRater is a a Python application that allows users to read and rate books.

  • The purpose of this capstone is to practice implementing and testing classes in Python.


The User class includes the attributes that can be associated with a given user.


Our User objects will be reading books. The Book class outlines attributes to associated with a given book.

  • The Book class also acts as the parent class to both Fiction and Non-Fiction.

Fiction & Non-Fiction:

Fiction and Non-Fiction are different types of Books, and inherit from the Book class.

The TomeRater:

TomeRater interacts with User and Book objects, creating instances of both and allowing analysis on both!

Some Additional Methods:

Checks to ensure that:

  • E-mails are only associated with a single user in TomeRater
  • E-mails are actually formatted like e-mails!
  • ISBNs are unique to a single book