
This is my group project for creating a distributed library datacenter on MongoDB, Redis, and Hadoop Distributed File System for Distributed Database Systems course on my study-away program in Tsinghua University

Primary LanguagePython

There is a report on this project as report.pdf and slides illustrating the datacenter's architecture as presentation.pptx. I also recorded a demo video but Github does not allow me to upload such video because it is too big. Please send me an email (wg247@cornell.edu) if you want to see the demo video

@author Wentao Guo @email wg247@cornell.edu

@author Haoshen Li @email hl2239@cornell.edu

We need to first generate random articles/videos inside folder 'db' by executing db/genTable_mongoDB.py

python db/genTable_mongoDB.py

Note:we need to open a new terminal whenever we need to turn on a Mongos/Mongod server because once a server is started, it will run forever until we close the terminal so we cannot issue any subsequent command on this terminal.

  1. Start 4 mongods servers by the following commands. Note that we can use any address for --dbpath. We need to open a new terminal once a mongod server is started

    mongod --port 5000 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms\repl_1 --noauth --replSet proj --shardsvr

    mongod --port 5001 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms\repl_2 --noauth --replSet proj --shardsvr

    mongod --port 5002 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms\repl_3 --noauth --replSet proj --shardsvr

    mongod --port 5003 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms\repl_4 --noauth --replSet proj --shardsvr

  2. Check if our server is started by typing mongo --port 5000 in terminal.

    (The word "primary/secondary" will be shown after we deploy a replica set) alt text

    We then type the following commands in this shell

    use admin





  3. Deploy a config server (We also need to open a terminal for each commd in the first 3 lines. The later 5 commands are executed in the same terminal):

    mongod --port 6000 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms\cfg_1 --noauth --configsvr --replSet projCfg

    mongod --port 6001 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms\cfg_2 --noauth --configsvr --replSet projCfg

    mongod --port 6002 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms\cfg_3 --noauth --configsvr --replSet projCfg

    mongo --port 6000

    use admin




  4. Deploy a router (We also need to open a terminal for the first command)

    mongos --configdb projCfg/localhost:6000,localhost:6001,localhost:6002 --port 1000

    We execute these 3 commands in one terminal.

    mongo --port 1000

    use admin


  5. We need to create a new replica set for DBMS2.

    mongod --port 7000 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms2\repl_1 --noauth --replSet proj2 --shardsvr

    mongod --port 7001 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms2\repl_2 --noauth --replSet proj2 --shardsvr

    mongod --port 7002 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms2\repl_3 --noauth --replSet proj2 --shardsvr

    The following 5 commands are executed in one terminal.

    mongo --port 7000

    use admin





    These 3 commands are executed in 3 different terminals.

    mongod --port 8000 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms2\cfg_1 --noauth --configsvr

    mongod --port 8001 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms2\cfg_2 --noauth --configsvr

    mongod --port 8002 --dbpath D:\MongoDB\proj-ddbms2\cfg_3 --noauth --configsvr

    The following 5 commands are executed in one terminal.

    mongo --port 8000

    use admin





    Again, open a new terminal.

    mongos --configdb proj2Cfg/localhost:8000,localhost:8001,localhost:8002 --port 2000

    These 3 commands are executed in 3 different terminals.

    mongo --port 2000

    use admin



  6. Start redis-server.exe and make sure the port is set as default (port# 6379)

  7. Open $HADOOP_HOME/sbin folder,run start-all.sh on macOS/Linux or start-all.cmd on Windows.

Don't change the sequence of the running scripts

  1. python readraw.py to insert documents into User/Article/Read table

  2. python main.py to perform some queries on User/Article/Read table with/without join

  3. python pop_rank_demo.py to do pop_rank / be_read computations + download Top-5 Read Articles from HDFS

  4. python server_status_demo.py do a demo of logging server status

  5. python migrate.py do a demo of data migration to another data center at runtime

  6. python new_server_demo.py do a demo of adding a new server to existing data center at runtime

  7. python drop_server.py do a demo of dropping a secondary-node server at runtime


  • To test if mongod is on: ```mongo --port [port number]```

    alt text

  • To add a datanode is successfully to an existing replica set: open mongo shell on any running server of this replica set:

    mongo --port [running port number]

    use admin

    rs.add('localhost:[new datanode port number]')

    alt text 'ok' == 1 means success

  • Check a datanode status in mongo shell:

    use admin


    and we lookup the wanted host number in the 'members' field

    alt text

  • Test if redis server is on: start redis-cli.exe (redis shell) and command echo 'hello world'

    alt text

  • Test if HDFS is on: command jps in terminal, and if DataNode / ResourceManager / NameNode / NodeManager are all shown, we know our HDFS is still working

    alt text

Note:we can upload any files/directories into HDFS by executing hdfs dfs -put [src addr] [dst addr], but I also create a jar file ('proj.jar') to faciliate uploading all files in db/articles. This implementation leverages multi-threads and prints current progress for every 10 seconds. Its source code can be found in Main.java. We only need to simply command hadoop jar proj.jar in terminal.