
Character Sheet Manager program to learn the basics of Python object oriented design and class inheritance

Primary LanguagePython


This program is a very basic Character Sheet helper and die manager for a tabletop role playing game. This information will need entered once for each sheet and each level where values would be changed, and only one can be handled by the program at a time at present, but the values can be saved and loaded from local .json files made in the structure of the CharacterSheet class.

I started this project to learn basics of Python from the input/output stream through class definitions and inheritance. I felt it would be very helpful to me as a dungeon master who often does not have a personal character sheet on hand to have a program that can quickly be filled to cleanly portray my characters for use as a player. Additionally, I designed it with the intent to one day expand for use as a DM for storage of enemy or NPC stat blocks.

You can view a short demo of the program here: Software Demo Video

Development Environment

  • Python 3.9.5 64-bit
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git / GitHub

Useful Websites

Future Work

  • Fully flesh out Character sheet information (spell lists, equipment, feats and skills, etc.)
  • Design dynamic object/file management for enemy and NPC stat block creation, update, display, and deletion
  • Implement "smart" rolls that will take in to account applicable stat modifiers for specific rolls