
This dataset is of recorded video game sales with information including Name, Genre, Sales in the NA, EU, JP, and other markets, Ratings, Platform, Publisher, and Year of Release as of December 12, 2016. Video Game Sales

I wrote this program to analyze a dataset that was of interest to me using the Python pandas library to continue expanding my understanding in Python.

{Provide a link to your YouTube demonstration. It should be a 4-5 minute demo of the data set, the questions and answers, the code running and a walkthrough of the code.}

Software Demo Video

Data Analysis Results

Which genre has the best video game sales records? Based on the information in the dataset, the Action genre has the most recorded sales at 1,745.27 million copies.

Which regional market buys the most video games? Based on the information in the dataset, the North American market has the most recorded sales at over 4,402 million.

Which platform has the best sales record? Based on the information in the dataset, the PlayStation 2 has the most recorded sales at 1,255.64 million.

Development Environment

Python v3.9.5 64bit pandas library numpy library Visual Studio Code

CSV formatted data

Useful Websites

Future Work

  • Group by to sort the results of summing questions 1 and 3 for easier reading.
  • Design a way to return the results to similar questions for quicker analysis.
  • Output information using a plotting library for visual comprehension.