Build Your Own Backend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BYOB - Build Your Own Backend


  • BYOB is project that is aimed at building a RESTful API. Data is gathered from two different lists and seeded into two tables. There are 7 different enpoints for the front-end to hit, these are listed below. You can find more information on the process as well as user stories at the link below
  • https://github.com/Garrett-Iannuzzi/BYOB/projects/1

Tech Stack:

  • Node.js
  • Knex
  • Express
  • PostgresSQL



  • Clone down this repo and run npm install
  • Run the server by using npm start
  • The server will run on http://localhost:3000


Purpose URL Verb Request Body Sample Success Response
Get all metro areas in database /api/v1/metros GET N/A Array of metros: [ { "id": 21145, "metro": "Winnipeg, MB", "population": 778489, "teams": null "created_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.651Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.651Z" }, { "id": 21146, "metro": "Ottawa, ON", "population": 1323783, "teams": null,"created_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.653Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.653Z" } ...]
Get all titles in database api/v1/titles GET N/A Array of titles: [ { "id": 4235802, "year": 1971, "level": "pro", "sport": "CFL", "winner": "Calgary Stampeders","title_metro": "Calgary, AB", "metro_id": 21151,"created_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.843Z", "updated_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.843Z" }, { "id": 4235815, "year": 1931, "level": "pro", "sport": "NHL", "winner": "Montreal Canadiens", "title_metro": "Montreal, QC", "metro_id": 21147, "created_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.851Z","updated_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.851Z" } ...]
Get a single metro area by it's ID api/v1/metros/:id GET N/A Single metro: { "metro": { "id": 21164,"metro": "Denver, CO", "population": 2888227, "teams": null, "created_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.677Z","updated_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:50.677Z" } }
Get a single title by it's ID api/v1/titles/:id GET N/A Single title: { "title": { "id": 4236246,"year": 1998, "level": "pro", "sport": "NFL", "winner": "Denver Broncos", "title_metro": "Denver, CO", "metro_id": 21164, "created_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:51.013Z","updated_at": "2020-02-02T00:21:51.013Z" } }
Post new title to metro area /api/v1/titles/:metro_id/titles POST New title: { year: 2021, level: ‘pro’, sport: ‘NFL’, ’winner: ‘Denver Broncos’, title_metro: ‘Denver, CO’, metro_id: 21164 } New title: { title: { “id”: 4236779, “year”: 2021, “level”: “pro”, “sport”: null, “winner”: “Denver Broncos”, “title_metro”: “Denver, CO”,“metro_id”: 21164 } }
Post new metro area /api/v1/metros POST New metro: { "metro": "Zanzabar", "population": 10, "teams": "Zoonies" } New metro: { metro: { "id": 21533, "metro": "Zanzabar","population": 100, "teams": "Zoonies" } }
Delete a title /api/v1/titles/:id DELETE N/A { message: 'Success: Title has been removed' }

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