Final Countdown


Garrett Iannuzzi - gitHub

Link to the application

Link to project board


Final Countdown is an application built in Svelte that generates synonyms for a keyword. A user can enter a word and Final Countdown will populate buttons for the matching synonyms. Clicking on one of these buttons will create a new list of synonyms. Our bank of words is pulled from the Merriam-Webster's dictionary API.


  • Clone Repo down or fork then clone Repo
  • In Terminal: cd into directory
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run dev to create locally hosted server to run app
  • App will open in browser
  • run npm test to see see all tests


  1. Work with a technology you have not been taught, Svelte!
  2. Create a basic functioning web page in less then 48 hours.
  3. Learn the basics of tsting Svelte.
  4. Professional workflow (git branches, commits, gitHub project board). This project was done solo but a pull request template was still used.

Front End Tech Stack

Svelte | Jest | CSS | Fetch API | Javascript ES6


Final Countdown:
