
UMich EECS 545 final project

Primary LanguagePython

When starting a new work session do 

>>cd partyAffiliationML
>>git pull

If everything goes well, great! There are two types of errors you
might run into:

1) merge conflicts. i.e. someone else changed a file and pushed it
and you've also changed the file and git can't figure out what
exactly it should keep -- open the file and look for lines
bracketed by <<<<< and >>>>> to solve merge conflicts, then add,
commit, and push changes (see below)

2) you have existing changes and git wants you to commit those
before you pull. You have two options: commit changes if you
want to keep them, or use git stash to discard all changes to
your local files

Now, assuming everything was pulled successfully, you can go ahead
and make changes! On a regular basis you should commit these changes

To check on the status of your local branch use

>>git status

To begin the process of commiting changes, use

>>git add -A
>>git commit -m "message about commit"

You can commit as many times as you want, the more the better.
When you want to push those changes so the rest of the group
can access them, use

>> git push

Most problems can be solved with a simple google search. If not,
contact Rory.


We use data stored at http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/index.php

scrape.py will download all the files listed on a webpage with
a form like:


the shell script runScraper.sh contains examples for executing the
python scrip. 

scrape.py will save one file per speech with the following path:


a list of all the files in a particular directory is save in files.list


HC_0 - HC_106 were removed because they were dated in 2007 and 2008
long before the 2016 campaign.

**** in 2012, Obama gave the same speech repeatedly, and this is
probably a bad sample for traing and testing. We should avoid using
on the dem side.


There are a set of python files titled getVocab*.py that can be
used to create BoW files in the format we want to use. These
require an input file list (.list) that lists the full paths
of all input files (note: this path must include /D/ or /R/ to denote
party affiliation)

For now, we can split the output file outfile.dat into 2/3 train
data and 1/3 test data using splitData.py noting that there is no
randomization involved in this process

There are two types of data files:


DENSE.X.dat, DENSE.Y.dat

which follow the same format as the files provided for hw2.



	Naive Bayes, no crossvalidation.


	Simple implementation of scikit.svm.LinearSVC that uses 5-fold
	cross validation on dataset.