
Base app to experiment with WebRTC ideas and prototypes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • Start server command:


  • start redis command:


  • start mongodb command:


  • start mongo console:


  • create a mongo collection:

    db.createCollection('collection name')

  • use a specific database in mongo:

    use chat-salon; (or other database/collection name)

  • show all mongodb collections:


  • to start in production mode:

    NODE_ENV=production node app.js

  • use curl to test api calls

    curl http://localhost:3000/user/create -d {} (the -d option is for a post...ur passing a blank object as post data)

  • to run all tests:

    npm test


production address: http://chat-salon.nodejitsu.com

Nodejitsu commands

  • jitsu login - logs you in obviously :)

  • jitsu create database - create a database where is an arbitrary db name and is either redis, mongo, or couch

  • jitsu database create mongo - get the command to connectwith your mongo db instance

    example: jitsu database create mongo chat-salon

  • jitsu logs - show logs


  • to connect with redis on the server, execute this command

    redis-cli -h nodejitsudb7548468739.redis.irstack.com -p 6379 -a nodejitsudb7548468739.redis.irstack.com:f327cfe980c971946e80b8e975fbebb4

  • "keys *" - will show you all keys in your redis dataset


  • show dbs - show all databases

  • use <db_name> - use a database

  • db.getCollectionNames() - show all collections in a database

  • db.<collection_name>.find() - show all records for a given collection

  • connect to a remote mongodb instance:

    mongo ds045998.mongolab.com:45998/nodejitsu_hackingbeauty_nodejitsudb653477187 -u nodejitsu_hackingbeauty -p 3i0okbvtugl4o4316tva3qudc2

  • if connecting to the remote mongo instance, apparently "show dbs doesn't work"...use "show collections"

  • dropping a database:

    • use ;
    • db.dropDatabase();

WebRTC Tutorials