
Importing store directly by Inject

Primary LanguageTypeScript

CircleCI Coverage Version License

Simple DI in mobx


  • npm i mobx-di

  • Basic store User

import { observable, action, runInAction } from 'mobx'
import { Injectable } from 'mobx-di'

export class User {
  userInfo = {
    isLogin: true,
    name: 'hmp',
    type: 0

  async logout() {
    await Promise.resolve(true) // 这一条模拟 API 请求
    return runInAction('logout', () => {
      this.userInfo.isLogin = false
  • Another store which has the User dependence


import { computed, action } from 'mobx'
import { Injectable, Inject } from 'mobx-di'

import { User } from '../stores/user'

export class HomeStore {
  constructor(private _user: User) {
    console.log('user', _user)
  get userInfo() {
    return this._user.userInfo

  // or
  // @Inject() _user: User

  toggle() {
    return this._user.logout()

  get btnDesc() {
    return this.userInfo.isLogin ? '退出' : '登录'


import { computed, action } from 'mobx'
import { Injectable, Inject } from 'mobx-di'

import { User } from '../stores/user'

export class HomeStore {
  constructor(_user) {
    console.log('user', _user)
  get userInfo() {
    return this._user.userInfo

  // or
  // @Inject(User) _user

  toggle() {
    return this._user.logout()

  get btnDesc() {
    return this.userInfo.isLogin ? '退出' : '登录'
  • Inject in component


import * as React from 'react'
import { observer } from 'mobx-react'
import { Inject } from 'mobx-di'

import { HomeStore } from './store'

export default class Home extends React.Component {
  @Inject() home: HomeStore

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.home.toggle}>{this.home.btnDesc}</button>


import * as React from 'react'
import { observer } from 'mobx-react'
import { Inject } from 'mobx-di'

import { HomeStore } from './store'

export default class Home extends React.Component {
  @Inject(HomeStore) home

  render() {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.home.toggle}>{this.home.btnDesc}</button>


  1. You can replace any store in your code by replace mothod if you want, It's in examples/pages/beforAll

  2. If you want to use a store out of any class, you may need getInstance(Class)

  3. If you want multi instance of a store in multi modules, follow it

import { DI } from 'mobx-di'
const di1 = new DI()

And then you can use the di1.Injectable, di1.Instance, di1.replace, di1.getInstance