Advanced Databases 2020 – Coursework 1

The objective of this coursework is to practice the interplay between storage and processing in the context of a not-quite relational application: counting triangles in a graph.

Triangle counting

Triangle counting is one of the core challenges in structural graph analytics. The idea is to find the number of sets of nodes that are connected in a triangle. For this coursework, we make the task slightly more interesting by considering a directed, labeled graph (see Figure).


In this graph, we might be looking for triangles with the edge label sequence 0, 1, 2 and find the triangles 1, 5, 6 and 4, 1, 3.

Depending on the “connectedness” (the number of edges divided by the number of vertices in the graph), this problem can be more or less challenging (we will use 32 as a connectedness factor).

The relational view

While this problem could be considered a graph problem (or sparse linear algebra), it is a join problem as well (three joins, actually). Here is a representation of the problem in SQL

Create the graph table:

create table Edges(from int, to int, label int);

Insert some edges:

insert into Edges values(0,1,1);
insert into Edges values(4,1,0);
insert into Edges values(1,2,0);
insert into Edges values(1,3,1);
insert into Edges values(3,2,2);
insert into Edges values(1,5,0);
insert into Edges values(1,6,2);
insert into Edges values(5,6,1);
insert into Edges values(3,4,2);
insert into Edges values(2,7,1);
insert into Edges values(7,2,2);
insert into Edges values(3,7,1);
insert into Edges values(3,8,2);
insert into Edges values(8,4,1);
insert into Edges values(4,7,2);

The triangle query would then be

select from Edges as firstEdge, Edges as secondEdge, Edges as thirdEdge
where const = secondEdnge.from and firstEdge.label = 0
and = thirdEdge.from and secondEdge.label = 1
and = firstEdge.from and thirdEdge.label = 2;


To make it even more interesting, you will have to deal with a graph that is being modified between the counting of the triangles. Specifically, we insert the data in batches of 1/8th of the overall dataset, count the triangles, delete some edges and repeat.

Your task

Your task is to implement the insertion, querying and deletion of the graph in C using both, a sort-merge join as well as a hashjoin and compare the two. For that purpose, you need to implement 10 functions in the Source/ShapeCount.c file (do not change any other file). Here are the functions for the sort-merge join implementation (the hashjoin has the same signature but the functions have a different prefix).

typedef void* SortMergeJoinDatabase;
SortMergeJoinDatabase SortMergeJoinAllocateDatabase(unsigned long totalNumberOfEdgesInTheEnd);
void SortMergeJoinInsertEdge(SortMergeJoinDatabase database, int fromNodeID, int toNodeID,
                             int edgeLabel);
int SortMergeJoinRunQuery(SortMergeJoinDatabase database, int edgeLabel1, int edgeLabel2,
                          int edgeLabel3);
void SortMergeJoinDeleteEdge(SortMergeJoinDatabase database, int fromNodeID, int toNodeID,
                             int edgeLabel);
void SortMergeJoinDeleteDatabase(SortMergeJoinDatabase database);

The interface should be largely self-explanatory. The only peculiarity is the way we handle the database: you are free to allocate any data structure in the ...AllocateDatabase-function. We pass it around as an untyped (i.e., void pointer). Each of the other functions receives the database pointer as its first parameter. You probably want to cast it to whatever datastructure you use in your code.

For the implementation, you are free to build the index structures (hashtables/sorted arrays) at query or insert time.

Naturally, you will need to de-allocate the database (in the ...DeleteDatabase function). Any data you store “on the side”, i.e., do not deallocate in the delete function will be counted as leaked.

The file ShapeCount.c contains stubs for the functions.

Getting started

To get started log in to a lab machine and run the following sequence of commands:

git clone ${your repository URL}
cd ${your repository name}

You may want to set up two separate build directories for the code, one for debugging and one for benchmarking. Here is how you could do that:

mkdir Debug
cd Debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
cd ..
mkdir Release
cd Release
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cd ..

You can compile each by (respectively) typing:

cmake --build Debug


cmake --build Release

Note that the first time you build each of these will take a long time since it also builds dependencies.


To run the tests, simply run


a successful run output should look like this (pass -? for more options)

All tests passed (30 assertions in 3 test cases)


To run the benchmarks, simply run


if you want to restrict the benchmarks that are being run you can use, for example

./Release/Benchmarks --benchmark_filter='GraphQueryBenchmark<HashjoinImplementation>/64/32'

(64 is the number of nodes in the graph, 32 the average number of edges)

./Benchmarks --benchmark_list_tests

gives you a name of experiments (try ./Benchmarks --help for more options).

For your submission, you need to provide a brief (no more than 500 words) interpretation/explanation of the performance results. Which algorithm performed better and why? Which scales better and why?


The coursework will be submitted using LabTS. Important are two files:

  • Source/ShapeCount.c, containing all code of your solution. No other files shall be modified!
  • Explanation.txt, explaining the performance of your solution.


The marks are distributed as follows:

  • Correct & leak-free implementation of the sort-merge-join implementation (note that passing tests are required but not necessarily sufficient for a correct implementation): 40%
  • Correct & leak-free implementation of the hash-join implementation: 30%
  • Reasonable performance (no silly performance bugs, unnecessary function pointers, etc.): 10%
  • Clean code with appropriate documentation: 10%
  • Interpretation/explanation of the performance of your implementation: 10%

Competition – Sponsored by Snowflake

In addition to, but completely unrelated to, the coursework, we are having a competition. For that, we will run your implementation on a “big” graph: half a million vertices, 16 million edges. We are running your implementation on a vertex machine that has been dedicated to this exercise (you can perform optimizations on any other vertex machine if you like). Every time you trigger a test on labts, your solution is tested, benchmarked and uploaded to the leaderboard (assuming it finishes within a competitive time). The leaderboard can be accessed at

The winner is the team with the fastest solution in the “Competition”-prefixed implementation in the submission. However, the top three performing teams are subject to “code-quality boosting”: I will deduct up to 5% from their runtime for having nice, readable code (my discretion applies).