
Demonstrates Usage of Zapper API via Web3 and Smart Contracts

Primary LanguageSolidity


This repo demonstrates usage of the Zapper API using Web3 and Smart Contracts

See https://docs.zapper.fi/zapper-api/api-guides for additional context


  1. Clone this repository
  2. cd into the cloned folder
  3. Run the command yarn to install dependencies


  1. Run the command yarn test


This repo includes a contract called ZapConsumer.sol which demonstrates how to consume Zapper Transaction API data in a smart contract.

The test folder contains tests demonstrating the usage of the ZapConsumer.sol contract as well as examples of how to consume transaction data with vanilla Web3.

The api folder contains example utility functions for calling the Zapper API with Axios via GET requests.

NOTE: An example of .env is provided as .env.example. You must create a .env after cloning this repository.