
The bot is for fun, nothing special

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Settings / Env variables

You have to provide 3 env variables:

  • BOT_TOKEN - telegram token
  • OPENAI_TOKEN - chatgpt token
  • OWM_API_KEY - api key for weather command
  • DEFAULT_WEATHER_CITIES - default cities, e.g. Berlin,Chicago,Los Angeles

How it works

Screenshot 2022-07-17 at 21 12 16


Prometheus metrics are exposed on 8080 port: http://localhost:8080/metrics

curl http://localhost:8080/metrics

Health endpoint

url: http://localhost:8080/health

curl http://localhost:8080/health

Compilation routine

go mod download
go build ./


docker build -t bot:test ./


This program is published under the terms of the MIT License. Please check the LICENSE file for more details.