
A React scroll context provider and consumer for detecting scroll position (scrollX, scrollY) and providing that data to child components.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React Scroll Context exports a React context provider and consumer. It provides window scroll data to a consumer.



npm install @foo-software/react-scroll-context


yarn add @foo-software/react-scroll-context


  • react@16.8


Name Description PropType Required Default
Context A Context object created by React.createContext() object true --
children Anything that can be rendered, but typically a tree of elements. Scroll data can be consumed from anywhere in this tree. node true --
scrollContainer A scroll container. This will be window by default, but you could use an element instead with this option. oneOf[PropTypes.object, PropTypes.node] false window
throttleTime Time in milleseconds to throttle calculations of scroll. number false 200

Exposed Context Consumer Data

Name Description Type
scrollX The current value of window.scrollX. number
scrollY The current value of window.scrollY. number
isScrollingDown Identifies whether or not scroll direction is down. boolean



import React from 'react';
import { ScrollProvider } from '@foo-software/react-scroll-context';

// replace `scroll-context` any name you like.
const Context = React.createContext('scroll-context');

const ScrollDisplay = () => (
      <h1>Scroll it!</h1>
        {({ scrollX, scrollY, isScrollingDown }) => (
            scrollX: {scrollX}
            scrollY: {scrollY}
            isScrollingDown: {isScrollingDown ? 'yes' : 'no'}


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { ScrollProvider } from '@foo-software/react-scroll-context';

// replace `scroll-context` any name you like.
const Context = React.createContext('scroll-context');

class ScrollDisplay extends Component {
  static contextType = Context;

  render() {
    const { scrollX, scrollY, isScrollingDown } = this.context;
    return (
        scrollX: {scrollX}
        scrollY: {scrollY}
        isScrollingDown: {isScrollingDown ? 'yes' : 'no'}

const App = () => (
      <h1>Scroll it!</h1>
      <ScrollDisplay />

useContext hook

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { ScrollProvider } from '@foo-software/react-scroll-context';

// replace `scroll-context` any name you like.
const Context = React.createContext('scroll-context');

const ScrollDisplay = () => {
  const { scrollX, scrollY, isScrollingDown } = useContext(Context);
  return (
      scrollX: {scrollX}
      scrollY: {scrollY}
      isScrollingDown: {isScrollingDown ? 'yes' : 'no'}

const App = () => (
      <h1>Scroll it!</h1>
      <ScrollDisplay />


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