#homework0 This homework is simply used to check if all students know how to work with git and github (no credit). At the sametime, it also helps me to know you a little bit more :)

Brief self-introduction [max 500 words]

I’m Jia SongHao, you can call me Gasoon Jia as well. I’m a junior from Undergraduate Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, NTHU. Different from most classmates, I’m not from Taiwan. I’m a ‘Beijingnese’. Therefore, there’s some difficulty for me to speak Chinese in the accent of Taiwan. Due to this situation, if I can’t express my opinion to you briefly, I’m so sorry for that, and hope to get your understanding.

Since I was a boy, I had great interest in math and physics, so I participated in several contests. As the consequence of joining contests, I have more interest in finding the intrinsic logic through the appearance. That why I choose science and engineering as my major direction in my junior high school and computer science as my major of my bachelor life.

I’m a dedicated but careless man. For example, I can program 5 to 6 hours without taking a break. But most of the time I spent was wasted on debugging, especially some stupid fault. Some friends of mine said I was just like a van with racing engine ---- large size, high speed, but hard to swerve and easily dropping into the mountain stream. I think it’s the shortcoming I need to correct with highest priority.

Generally speaking, this is a good guy. I can program several lines code, can play some ball games without good at anything, sometimes energetic, sometimes stupid, sometimes like a 7,8-year-old boy, sometimes devoting all myself in the project. But, anyway, I’m just a good guy.

Why Computer Vision? [max 500 words]

Why CV? Well, the drive driven me to study CV is AlphaGo, which all people in the world know very well. When I watched the video AlphaGo competing with Lee Sedol, what I see is a contest between two outstanding spirits, rather than a young man playing a computer game about go. After that, I can not help but ponder: maybe it’s time to put soul into computers which is exact out task. As an object with soul, like you and me, one of the most important things is perceive the world, and due to some research, 80% of the information we get via our eyes. Therefore, in order to making the machine knows the world better, I decided to study CV. So, why CV? Because I want to achieve my goal.

What do you want to achieve in the course? [ max 500 words]

Well, what I want is the ability to handle the information of vision. Not only achieving it, processing it as well. Moreover, I’d like to get some interesting skills, like facial recognition, the combination between machine learning and CV and so on.

PS. 中文 or English are both fine.

Due Date: Sept. 24, 2016