
A fork of dwm with comments explaining in detail how the window manager works

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Do not use. Do not patch.

This fork of dwm adds extra comments and is intended for educational uses only. If you try to patch this version of dwm then that will most likely fail, more so the relative comments will no longer apply or be misleading as the underlying code will have changed.

If you are interested in dwm then get a fresh clone from the https://dwm.suckless.org/ site and use this as a reference rather than the basis for your build.

This fork has 0 patches and also does not cover patches.

 Language                             Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 C                                        4         8463         2348         5689          426
 dwm.c                                              7212         1917         4963          332
 drw.c                                              1035          369          588           78
 util.c                                              115           28           79            8
 transient.c                                         101           34           59            8
 C Header                                 3          412          131          251           30
 config.def.h                                        313           87          209           17
 drw.h                                                84           39           34           11
 util.h                                               15            5            8            2
 Total                                    7         8875         2479         5940          456
Last tallied: 2023-10-13 11:19:26