

Unix (tested with GCC 6.4)

  1. Clone the project git clone https://github.com/Gaspard--/Ultimate-Cave-Of-Dangers or download as zip
  2. Install the GLFW and the SFML libraries (prefer SFML 2.4.2)
  3. cd into the project directory
  4. Make the release : mkdir release && cd release && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release && cd .. && make -C release
  5. Launch the game: ./Ultimate-Cave-Of-Dangers
  6. Enjoy!


Download the ZIP linked on our itch.io page. Unzip it and launch Ultimate-Cave-Of-Dangers.exe. Enjoy !


This is a Spin-off of our LD38 and LD40 games

A few year before Zombie invade the whole universe, Bob, a normal citizen, is working at mine like each day. After a hardworking day, bob is getting out of mine for a well-deserved rest when, suddenly, he sees a big wave rising from deepness of the mine. After a small sprint, bob can't believe what he sees : an army of zombies in front of him ... Big wave backward, zombies forward ... please help bob to save his life !


  • [WAD]/[ZQD]/[Arrows] -> move right/left, jump
  • Spacebar -> shoot
  • you can walljump (and if you don't, expect to die quickly)
  • you can bounce on barrels



Special Thanks

  • Arthur Froger, who helped the first day but then got sick.

Ultra-ninja VS Falling Zombies

You can play to the original series just here and here !

Ludum Dare Page

This game was developed during the LD42. You can visit our LD42 game page here.