Chords Finder
an application where I can enter notes, and it give me the name of the chord: C, D#, F#, A -> Cdim7
- all chords are generated,
- then we search in the list for the chord with the same notes as input.
core folder: all "business" about music.
androidAdapter convert String to core business.
only one activity.
- input: note as character
- input: note as button
- input: note on piano keyboard
- input: note on piano keyboard
- input: note on guitar/uku/banjo/... neck
- output: chord name
- output: chord info (name, interval, third,
- display the chord name using b and # ?
- uses character (A, B, C ...)
- uses # or s for sharp
- uses b for flat
- uses notes (Do, Ré, Mi ...)
- Continuous Unit Tests
- Continuous End-to-End Tests
- UI Test using mock
- build apk
- deploy on store?
- dependecy injection: koin?
- perfect major
- perfect minor
- (dominant) 7th : maj7, min7, m(maj7)
- diminished
- diminished seventh
... - Don't use the first notes as root (inversion).
- chords with exactly the given notes
- chords with other notes (not only the ones given as input)
- chords with other notes, using the first as root?
... - sharp/flat (using fretted instrument, D# == Eb)
- error when chord not found ...
- use a csv config file with the chords list ?
From the chord, give the notes.