
Warm-up 1

Primary LanguageC++

CS 344G Warm-up 1 (due January 11)

Expected completion time: <3 hours

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make a simple UDP sender that sends a datagram containing the payload "Hello, world.", and a UDP receiver that prints out the payload of the first datagram it receives.

Suggested platform: Recent GNU/Linux with g++ 4.8 or later. You may need to set up a VM. (The code may also run on OS X.)

  1. Initialize the build system with: ./autogen.sh && ./configure

  2. Compile the template code with: $ make

  3. Run the tests with: $ make check

    You will see that they all fail.

  4. Edit the files yourcode/udp-sender.cc and yourcode/udp-receiver.cc per the instructions in each file, using the Socket and Address objects. You may need to look at src/socket.hh and src/address.hh for these APIs.

  5. When the tests pass locally, push your version to GitHub and open a pull request.