
:dart: Check-build - Verifies that your NodeJS project follows team conventions, is well written, up to date and secure.

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Check-build - Verify that your NodeJS project follow team conventions, is well written, up to date and secure.

“Each time I start a new project/mvp/poc/module I don't want to create/edit a new grunt/gulp file or whatever hype dev use these days. I want an already packed CLI with good defaults (mine) that I can drop into my continuous build/integration process. Let's build that once and for all.”

– 10/19/2014


npm install check-build -g
cd /path/to/your/project
# [...] (sub-module output)
echo $?
# 0 if everything went right, 1 otherwise.

What's inside

Code error and potential problem detection

  • JSHint Static analysis tool for JavaScript (using JSHint stylish). If .jshintrc is not present in project root, check-build will use this .jshintrc.
  • ESLint The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX, check-build will use a .eslintrc file for ESLint configuration.
  • JSXHint JSXHint is DEPRECATED in favor of ESLint Static analysis tool for JavaScript and JSX. If .jshintrc is not present in project root, check-build will use this .jshintrc.

Code style checking

  • JSCS Check the code style of your code. If .jscsrc is not present in project root, check-build will use this .jscsrc.

Code quality

  • Plato Detect structural complexity in your code, per files.


  • JSInspect Detect structural similarities in your code.
  • buddy.js Detect magic number in your code.


  • David Check that your project dependencies are up to date.


  • Nsp Check your project dependencies for security issues.

Note: check-build uses a temporary fork of nsp adding a --subdeb-warn-only argument, see why here


  • Leverage simplicity over performance. check-build will be run automatically by a build bot. I #%£€)° don't care about performance, I want code quality and ease of use.
  • Don't reinvent the wheel, leverage each module own configuration file. E.g. .jshintrc.
  • Even if the underneath module is not capable of handling multiple files, abstract it.
  • Use multimatch everywhere.
  • .checkbuild is there to configure each module (in case they don't use dot files for configuration), checkbuild will forward these parameters to each module implementation.

Checkbuild configuration

Put a .checkbuild file (example) in your project root directory.

  // Extends the current checkbuild file with others (optionnal)
  "extends": ["./.checkbuildrc_base"],
  // Download some distant files and save them into check-build command current directory
  // Usefull when used with extends (optionnal)
  "urls": ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FGRibreau/javascript/master/.checkbuildrc_base"],
  "checkbuild": {
    "enable": ["jshint", "eslint", "jscs", "jsinspect", "plato", "nsp", "david"],
    // don't exit immediately if one of the tools reports an error (default true)
    "continueOnError": true,
    // don't exit(1) even if we had some failures (default false)
    "allowFailures": false

  "david": {
    "warn": {
      "E404": true
    "ignore": ["socket.io"] // don't check socket.io package with david
    // ... and so on.

  "jshint": {
    "args": ["src/**/*.js"]
    // instead of putting a .jshintrc inside each of your project with check-build
    // you can specify an URL.
    // That URL will be downloaded each time check-build is run
    // and its content will be saved inside check-build command current directory.
    // for instance the above .checkbuild jshint configuration:
    // "url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FGRibreau/javascript/master/.jshintrc_base"
    // will download the jshintrc_base (the common jshint convention for your organization) inside your project.
    // This .jshintrc_base should be ignored from git and NOT commited.
    // Then, create and commit a .jshintrc that contains at least:
    // {
    //  "extends": "./.jshintrc_base",
    //  ...
    // }
    // inside this .jshintrc file you will be able to put project-specific jshint configuration.

 "eslint": {
    "args": ["src/**/*.js", "src/**/*.jsx"],
    // instead of putting a .eslintrc inside each of your project with check-build
    // you can specify an URL.
    // That URL will be downloaded each time check-build is run
    // and its content will be saved inside check-build command current directory.
    // for instance the above .checkbuild jshint configuration:
    // "url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FGRibreau/javascript/master/.eslintrc_base"
    // will download the eslintrc_base (the common eslint convention for your organization) inside your project.
    // This .eslintrc_base should be ignored from git and NOT commited.
    // Then, create and commit a .eslintrc that contains at least:
    // {
    //  "extends": ["./.eslintrc_base"],
    //  ...
    // }
    // inside this .eslintrc file you will be able to put project-specific ESLint configuration.
    // ... and so on.

  "jscs": {
    "args": ["lib/**.js"]
    // ... and so on.
    // instead of putting a .jscrc inside each of your project with check-build
    // you can specify an URL.
    // That URL will be downloaded each time check-build is run
    // and its content will be saved inside check-build command current directory
    // "url":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FGRibreau/javascript/master/.jscsrc"

  "jsinspect": {
    "args": ["*.js"],
    "diff": true
    // ... and so on.

  "buddyjs": {
    "args": ["*.js"],
    "ignore": [0, 1, 200]
    // ... and so on.

  "plato": {
    "args": ["*.js"],
    // define your project minimum average maintainability level
    "maintainability": 75.00

  "nsp": {
    "args": []

  "david": {
    "dev": false,
    // whether to check devDependencies or not (default false)
    "stable": true,
    // whether to check dependencies or not (default true)
    "ignore": []
    // put ignored dependencies here (both devDependencies and dependencies)

Note: the url attribute presented for eslint is available for each extension

Final goal

A (NodeJS) project can be automatically analyzed in many dimension like code-consistency, d-r-y-ness and security. Check-build's final goal is to take the human out of the loop.


I maintain this project in my free time, if it helped you please support my work via paypal or Bitcoins, thanks a lot!