A plugin for the GATE language technology framework for training and using machine learning models. Currently supports Mallet (MaxEnt, NaiveBayes, CRF and others), LibSVM, Scikit-Learn, Weka, and DNNs through Pytorch and Keras.
- 1
Problem running Python/Pytorch on Windows
#119 opened by johann-petrak - 5
NPE in LF_ApplyChunking
#118 opened by johann-petrak - 16
Chunking using MalletCRF_SEQ_MR - no chunk annotations for last sentence
#117 opened by johann-petrak - 1
Bugs in cc.mallet.topics.ParallelTopicModel
#115 opened by clause - 1
Chunking: make sure the temporary annotation set is cleared before using it
#116 opened by johann-petrak - 0
Maximum suffix/prefix length is not respected
#114 opened by johann-petrak - 0
- 1
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException during application
#112 opened by johann-petrak - 0
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Review documentation, especially tutorials
#93 opened by johann-petrak - 1
Make sure the growthStopped flag in the feature info instance is set correctly
#103 opened by johann-petrak - 2
Simple filtering of nominal values and ngrams
#105 opened by johann-petrak - 1
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Xingyi's bug report
#109 opened by deansong - 3
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Re-implement how we handle duplication
#107 opened by johann-petrak - 2
Current trick for handling duplicates can lead to trouble with manual re-init
#106 opened by johann-petrak - 2
Add a proper TFIDF transformation
#104 opened by johann-petrak - 0
Algorithm parameters not stored/shown in the overview on the message pane
#102 opened by johann-petrak - 1
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Add more model details to the stored info
#100 opened by johann-petrak - 0
Show Engine/Info/Feature infos more nicely formatted instead of the toString() representation
#101 opened by johann-petrak - 2
- 0
- 1
Remove the keras-sparse backend algorithms
#96 opened by johann-petrak - 1
- 1
Add windows support for wrappers
#95 opened by johann-petrak - 0
Link to tutorial broken
#91 opened by johann-petrak - 0
Link to server for application broken
#92 opened by johann-petrak - 3
NPE when exporting
#70 opened by tasoslytos - 1
Remove slow/data-intensive tests
#90 opened by johann-petrak - 1
- 0
- 0
Add support for XGBoost
#87 opened by johann-petrak - 0
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Mallet LDA improvements/changes
#83 opened by johann-petrak - 1
Scaling does not work any more
#84 opened by johann-petrak - 0
Rethink feature scaling
#85 opened by johann-petrak - 1
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- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Add example pipelines
#77 opened by johann-petrak - 2
- 0
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Adapt script calling parameters for training and application for the dense json engine
#74 opened by johann-petrak - 1
Make dense json keras back-end work again
#73 opened by johann-petrak - 0
On-demand caching/reusing of the training set for algorithm/hyperparameter exploration
#72 opened by johann-petrak