
Mobile App Challenge Semi-Finalist 2018. A mentoring application focused on mentorship. Used Android Studio to design the UI/UX

Primary LanguageJava


App Description (what it does)

This app will connect students who are in need of support with mentors who are willing to provide valuable advice and careful guidance.

App Design (how will it work)

  • A student would create a profile with their general information (location, year, goals) and what they're studying.
  • Our app will then take this information and match the student with a mentor.

Users (who it is designed for)

Currently this app is being designed for college students and industry mentors.

Impact (how it is going to help society)

Students are affected by stress on a daily basis. Many feel alone, lost, and in need of a mentor that can point them in the right direction. With our app we plan to bridge the gap between mental health and academic success as well as provide students with an outlet that will lead them towards a better future.

The Team