
WordPress playground to create & use demo-content for GatherPress



This repo provides the latest version of GatherPress with editable event & venue data. The created content is used as demo-data in multiple Playgrounds around the GatherPress project.

demo-data usage

mermaid diagram
%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'natural' } } }%%
flowchart TB
    C -->D[Gatherpress<br />Playground on w.org]
    C -->E[Gatherpress<br />Playground PR preview]
    C -->F[Gatherpress<br />Playground for e2e tests]
    C -->G[Gatherpress<br />Playground for the w.org
screenshot generator]



Help shaping GatherPress by adding your least recent & your next upcoming WordCamp, you attend(ed), to our set of demo-data powered by Playground.

How to update the demo-data:

  1. Open Playground
  2. Create, edit & save event & venue data
  3. Export the xml to the Playground using the "💾 Save Export to server 🤖" button from the Admin bar.
  4. Create a PR from inside the Playground-menu in the top-right corner
  5. Back at Github, go on & merge the PR!

See the full workflow in action in this video.



  • Images can only be referenced by URL, that's why I added them to this repo and used the raw.githubusercontent.com-URLs within WordPress.
  • The exported demo-data is cleaned up manually automatically from all default contents, that got added during the default WordPress installation (inside the WordPress playground).
  • GitHub Proxy is a great service by @stoph.

Inspired by
