Documatic Hackathon project submission

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Advanced Relative Calendar - A luxon utility

aka SussyHackatonProject

This is a small utility that allows you to get a relative date from a given date, in a more customizable and rich way. It was built on the Luxon DateTime library.

Turn this:{ days: 8 }).toRelativeCalendar()
// => "in 1 week"

Into this:{ days: 8 }).toRelativeCalendarAdvanced("{{[rpf]wd}} {{[at] h m}}")
// => "the next monday at 15:32"

Or even this:{ days: 8 }).toRelativeCalendarAdvanced("The party will be {{[rpf]wd}} at {{h|f:1}} {{ampm}}, will you be coming?")
// -> "The party will be next monday at 3 PM, will you be coming?" no time!

Table of contents

Installation *

npm i luxon-advanced-relative-calendar


  • Easy customization of simple or ultra complex relative dates
  • Easy to learn syntax
  • Numeric filters to format numeric values
  • Smart H:M:S combo formatting
  • Support for English and Spanish locales (carefully crafted by hand 😉)


luxon.DateTime.toRelativeCalendarAdvanced(format, [locale])


  • format - The format string. See below for more info.
  • locale - The locale to use. Currently, there is support for English en and Spanish es. Defaults to en.

Format string

The format string is a string that contains the desired output. It is composed of tokens and text. Tokens are enclosed in double curly braces {{}} and text is everything else. Tokens are replaced by their corresponding value, and text is left as is. General format: {{[prefix]value|filter:filterArg}}


Tokens are composed of 3 parts: prefix, value and filters. The prefix and the filter are optional, see below for a list of available prefixes and filters.

  • [at] - Adds the appropiate article/preposition to the value to express relativity. For example, {{[at]h}} {{ampm}} will return at 3 PM, and {{[at]wd}} will return on monday.
  • [rpf] - Acts the same as the [at] prefix, but it will return the relative past/future form of the value taking in account calendar days. For example, {{[rpf]wd}} would return yesterday, today, tomorrow or next monday depending on the date given.
  • wd - The weekday name. For example, {{wd}} will return monday.
  • h - The hour. For example, {{h}} will return 15.
  • m - The minute. For example, {{m}} will return 32.
  • s - The second. For example, {{s}} will return 12.
  • |f: - fill - This filters outputs a value with a desired amount of digits by adding zeroes. For example, for a time where the hour is 3, {{h|f:1}} will return 3, and {{h|f:2}} will return 03.
Special tokens
  • {{ampm}} - This token will return AM or PM depending on the hour given. For example, {{h m}} {{ampm}} will return 3:32 PM.


DateTime.local().toRelativeCalendarAdvanced("{{[rpf]wd}} {{[at] h m}}")
// => "today at 15:32"
DateTime.local().minus({ days: 3 }).toRelativeCalendarAdvanced("Message sent {{[rpf]wd}}")
// => "Message sent this monday"
DateTime.local().plus({ days: 8 }).toRelativeCalendarAdvanced("{{[rpf]wd}} at {{m}} minutes and {{s|f:10}} seconds after {{h|f:2}} {{ampm}}")
// => "next monday at 32 minutes and 12 seconds after 03 PM"
DateTime.local().plus({ days: 8 }).toRelativeCalendarAdvanced("El estreno será {{[rpf]wd}} {{[at]h|f:2}}:{{m|f:2}} {{ampm}}", "es")
// => "El estreno será el próximo lunes a las 03:32 PM"


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


  • This Stackoverflow comment p.d: RIP Mr. Alexei S. 3 years have passed 😂.
  • I use luxon a lot, and I wanted to make it more customizable, specially for my language (Spanish).


  • Luxon for being such a great library.
  • Documatic for hosting this hackathon.

* This package is not yet published on npm, but it will be soon, hopefully