
Use Random Forest Tree to predict missed emoji based on text.

Primary LanguagePython


Nowadays, social media has become an important part of people’s life. Take Twitter for example, many people tend to post their mood on Twitter and often is the case, Twitter users would like to use text with emoji to express their sentiments. To some degree, we have reasons to believe that this emoji has some kind of link with the text so that we may use the text to predict which emoji may be used.Nowadays, social media has become an important part of people’s life. Take Twitter for example, many people tend to post their mood on Twitter and often is the case, Twitter users would like to use text with emoji to express their sentiments. To some degree, we have reasons to believe that this emoji has some kind of link with the text so that we may use the text to predict which emoji may be used. And this may be used to give emoji recommendation when users type some text.