🚀 Executable Examination Example: Starter

Platforms: Linux, MacOS, Windows Language: Python Code Style: Black Commits: Conventional

Table of Contents

✨ Quick Task List

  • Read the Introduction section for a brief overview
  • Read the Honor Code section and then digitally sign your pledge
  • Keep a running list of your sources in the Honor Code section
  • Read all of the content in this README.md file for more details
  • Complete the requested programming tasks in the files in the exam/questions/ directory
  • Type gatorgrade in the exam/ directory to assess the quality of your solution
  • Review the source code files in the exam/tests/ to see all of the checks
  • Review the exam/gatorgrade.yml to see all check commands used to assess your work
  • Frequently use Git to commit and push your work to the repository
  • Adhere to all of the restrictions and regulations stated in this document

🧗 Introduction

If you are a student completing this assessment as part of a class at Allegheny College, you will need to complete the programming tasks according to the instructions inside of the Python source code files in the exam/questions/ directory of this repository. If you have questions about this assessment, please see the course instructor during the assessment time period. You must read and ensure that you understand all of the instructions in this file before starting the assessment.

😁 Note: Student Name

Note: You must delete Student Name and add your name to the subsection header

🚧 Honor Code

  • You must adhere to the Honor Code throughout your completion of the assessment
  • You must answer all of the questions in the assessment using your own source code and documentation
  • You must use your laptop computer and the development environment you setup on your laptop
  • You may use any automated code and/or documentation generation tools to which you have access
  • You must cite the source of any program code or documentation generated by any software tool
  • You must cite any references that you consult to aid you in completing this assessment
  • You may not discuss any aspect of the assessment with anyone except the course instructor
  • You may not modify any part of the provided source code in the exam/tests/ directory
  • You may not modify any part of the provided source code in the exam/gatorgrade.yml file

IMPORTANT: All students in this course are obligated to adhere to the Allegheny College Honor Code throughout the completion of this assessment. If the instructor detects that a student has committed a likely violation of the Allegheny College Honor Code, this will result in the filing of a report with the Dean of Students Office and the furnishing of all details about the likely violation. Please make sure that you review the Allegheny College Honor Code before you start to take this assessment.

🌟 Re-type the sentence "I adhered to the Allegheny College Honor Code while completing this examination."

Note: You must retype the sentence here in order to digitally sign your pledge.

"I adhered to the Allegheny College Honor Code while completing this examination."

IMPORTANT: If you do not type the required sentence then the course instructor will not know that you adhered to the Allegheny College Honor Code while completing the assessment.

Note: Please list here the sources that you consulted while completing the examination!

🌐 Example Examination Overview

  • Examination Released: At the start of your session
  • Examination Due: At the end of your session

Please note that your git push access to the GitHub repository containing the assessment will be disabled after the assessment's due date.

  • The assessment is out of a total of 100 percent, with an automatically reported percentage.
  • You must provide answers to all these questions by typing in the Python source code files.
  • The final version of the Python source code files must be in your GitHub repository by the due date.
  • You may run the automated assessment in your terminal window by using the gatorgrade command.
  • Unless you already made special arrangements with the instructor, no late work will be accepted for this assessment.
  • Unless you already made special arrangements with the course instructor, you must complete the examination in Alden Hall.
  • Unless you already made special arrangements with the course instructor, you must not take any examination materials or your laptop computer out of Alden Hall when completing the examination.
  • You may review details from running the automated assessment in GitHub by using the GitHub Actions tab.
  • Your final score for this assessment is subject to revision following review by the course instructor.
  • You may talk to the course instructor if you have questions about or you need troubleshooting help with this assessment.