
React Image Component with onError handling

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React Image Component with onError handling and optional fallback rendering of alternative child components


npm install --save safeimage

Usage Examples

const SafeImage = require('safeimage')

<SafeImage />
  Missing src prop.
  Render empty <div>

<SafeImage src='404.png' style={myStyles} />
  Image src does not exist.
  Renders empty <div>
  Omits other props

<SafeImage src=''> <div>Alternative Rendering</div> </SafeImage>
  Image src does not exist
  Children present
  Renders children
  Omits other props

<SafeImage src='exiting.pmg' className={myClass} />
  Existing src prop.
  Render as <img src={...} /> tag
  Decorate with props <img src={...} className={myClass} />

<SafeImage src='404.png' onError={myErrorHandler} />
  Custom error handler will fire if loading image fails