
A PGP end-to-end encrypted generic email client developed for Smart India Hackathon.

Primary LanguageJava


A PGP end-to-end encrypted generic email client developed for Smart India Hackathon. It uses standard mail protocols - IMAP and SMTP, Java Mail, Cryptography and Security API. The app provides security from email service providers (like Gmail and Microsoft Outlook) who reads users private emails for analytical and ad purposes. It provides a generic interface, which allows the user to use their existing email service provider, or use our mail service to get an encrypted email channel. Our mail service used Mail-in-a-Box software bundle. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and RSA ( Asymmetric Key Algorithm) algorithms are used for providing security.


The app was built in a 36 hour hackathon, and had focus on encryption. (And thus the state of UI)

Rakshak App