Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt Chrome Theme

This theme was born out of boredom and an awesome wallpaper found on deviantart.com. Here's the link for the wallpaper.

Steps for installing this theme

Go to this link and hit apply.

If that doesn't work for you, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo on your computer.
  2. Go to Chrome and type "chrome://extensions/" in your address bar.
  3. Press "Load unpacked extension" button and select the repo on your local machine
  4. Enjoy - The theme is now installed.
  5. If you wish to remove the Google search bar and the most visited sites in the new tab, I'll recommend installing this theme alongside Popsicle , a new tab extension which you can customize to hide useless stuff.

I'm also providing the crx file in case somebody needs it.


Theme with Popsicle.

Theme with no Popsicle showing google search bar and most visited sites in new tab.