A tool for processing the JSON output of Asciinema in order to batch together its captured events (similar to how the vsync pulse is used to batch GUI changes). This helps reduce flicker of the final rendering when targeting formats like SVG or GIF.
Before | After |
The differences here are extremely subtle! You can occasionally see flickers in the "Before" image as it displays a partially-updated output which are not present in the "After".
The JSON input used to create those two images should further highlight the behavior of this tool:
{"version": 2, "width": 247, "height": 50, "timestamp": 1603340113, "env": {"SHELL": "/usr/local/bin/bash", "TERM": "xterm-256color"}}
[0.232306, "o", "Tests: 0 to"]
[0.232908, "o", "tal\u001b[K\r\nTime: 0s \u001b[K\r\n"]
[0.294751, "o", "\u001b[F\u001b[F"]
[0.2948, "o", "\u001b[33;43"]
[0.294816, "o", "m"]
[0.295049, "o", "_\u001b[30mRU"]
[0.295122, "o", "NS \u001b[39;49m tests"]
[0.295202, "o", "/\u001b[1mlo"]
[0.295269, "o", "gin.kt\u001b[2"]
[0.295343, "o", "2m "]
[0.295443, "o", " \u001b"]
[0.29554, "o", "[K\r\n\u001b"]
[0.295652, "o", "[33;43m_"]
[0.295732, "o", "\u001b[30mRUNS "]
[0.295866, "o", "\u001b[39;49m tests"]
[0.29594, "o", "/\u001b[1msignup"]
[0.295958, "o", ".k"]
[0.295972, "o", "t\u001b"]
The output in this "Before" JSON is fragmented across multiple commands which occur fractions of a second apart. This is despite the fact that the originating program issued the output as large, single writes.
{"version": 2, "width": 247, "height": 50, "timestamp": 1603340113, "env": {"SHELL": "/usr/local/bin/bash", "TERM": "xterm-256color"}}
[0.232306,"o","Tests: 0 total\u001b[K\r\nTime: 0s \u001b[K\r\n"]
[0.294751,"o","\u001b[F\u001b[F\u001b[33;43m_\u001b[30mRUNS \u001b[39;49m tests/\u001b[1mlogin.kt\u001b[22m \u001b[K\r\n\u001b[33;43m_\u001b[30mRUNS \u001b[39;49m tests/\u001b[1msignup.kt\u001b[22m \u001b[K\r\n\u001b[33;43m_\u001b[30mRUNS \u001b[39;49m tests/\u001b[1mforgot-password.kt\u001b[22m\u001b[K\r\n\u001b[33;43m_\u001b[30mRUNS \u001b[39;49m tests/\u001b[1mreset-password.kt\u001b[22m \u001b[K\r\n \u001b[K\r\nTests: 4 total \u001b[K\r\nTime: 0s \u001b[K\r\n"]
[1.265236,"o","\u001b[F\u001b[F\u001b[F\u001b[F\u001b[F\u001b[F\u001b[F\u001b[33;43m_\u001b[30mRUNS \u001b[39;49m tests/\u001b[1mlogin.kt\u001b[22m \u001b[K\r\n\u001b[33;43m_\u001b[30mRUNS \u001b[39;49m tests/\u001b[1msignup.kt\u001b[22m \u001b[K\r\n\u001b[33;43m_\u001b[30mRUNS \u001b[39;49m tests/\u001b[1mforgot-password.kt\u001b[22m\u001b[K\r\n\u001b[33;43m_\u001b[30mRUNS \u001b[39;49m tests/\u001b[1mreset-password.kt\u001b[22m \u001b[K\r\n \u001b[K\r\nTests: 4 total \u001b[K\r\nTime: 1s \u001b[K\r\n"]
Once processed with this tool, the outputs which occur close together have been merged. The commands are now more reflective of the writes from the original program.
Additionally, SVGs produced by svg-term on the JSON output of this tool are significantly smaller than those on the raw JSON.
$ asciinema rec raw.json
$ asciinema-vsync raw.json vsync.json
$ svg-term --in vsync.json --out demo.svg # Just an example
See src/test/fixtures/
for example input and expected outputs.
Mac OS
$ brew install JakeWharton/repo/asciinema-vsync
Download standalone JAR from
latest release.
On MacOS and Linux you can chmod +x
and execute the .jar
On Windows use java -jar
Copyright 2020 Jake Wharton
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.