To run this project :

  1. Take pull from main branch & run "npm install" to install all dependency.
  2. For setup mongodb atlas you have to replace username & password with your credentials in .env file.
  3. Default PORT is 8000 you can change it by updating in .env file
  4. Script to start : npm run dev

Backend routes:

  1. Signup : (POST) "/api/users/signup"
  2. Login : (POST) "/api/users/login"
  3. All Users: (GET) "/api/users"
  4. All Tasks By User: (GET) "/api/tasks"
  5. Task Details: (GET) "/api/tasks/:taskId"
  6. Create Task: (POST) "/api/tasks"
  7. Update Task: (PATCH) "/api/tasks/:taskId"
  8. Update Task Status: (PATCH) "/api/tasks/:taskId/status"
  9. Delete Task: (DELETE) "/api/tasks/:taskId"