Audio reader

The goal is to decode various audio formats in an uniform way. Currently all readers retain samples in the form of StereoBuffers, however specialized MonoBuffer readers may be planned. All inner buffers are of type f32 and are normalized to the range [-1.0, 1.0].

The readers can be issued for slices of a given host_buffer_size incrementally, the purpose being easy integration with audio plugins and real-time audio processing.

Currently there is only a SyncFullReader which reads the entire file into memory in one go. This is not ideal for large files, but it is a good starting point for writing tests.


  • Fix decoding delay and padding not being accounted for
  • Add SyncIncrementalReader which issues synchronous reads when the buffer is exhausted.
  • Add IncrementalReader which supports asynchronous reads when the buffer is exhausted.
  • Add cursor management
  • Add a ReaderBuilder which follows some euristic to determine the best reader for a given file.
  • Add a SampleReader which also caches some parts of the samples in memory to eliviate processing delay.