
SCS project

Primary LanguageRust

(16) Image / Graphics Shapes to (x, y) converter

The Standalone Conversion program has an independent documentation that can be found here.

The CNC Simulation has an independent documentation that can be found here.


Task title:

Program pentru comanda 
unui utilaj cu comanda 

Task description:

- se va scrie un program pentru o masina 
de taiat cu flama 
- programul citeste un fisier care contine 
traiectoria de taiere (secventa de segmente 
si arce de cerc) si genereaza comezni 
pentru deplasarea pe doua directii (x si y) 
a capului de taiere; deplasarea capului de 
taiere se va simula pe ecranul 
(Java, C, C++, C# etc.) 
Editor details:
Author Virghileanu Teodor
University UTCN CTI EN
Year of study 3

I suggest reading the PDF version of this README here https://github.com/GaussianWonder/scs-project/blob/main/README.pdf




The goal of this project is to design and implement an algorithm that converts an image or a set of graphical shapes into a set of commands that can be used by machines which work on 2D planar workspaces such as:

  • Milling and Engraving machines
    • PCB prototype makers
  • Plasma cutting machines
  • 3D printers
  • Drawing machines :)

This algorithm should be written and packed such that it runs on relevant platforms without the need of language specific adaptations

The output of the algorithm should be encoded simple enough such that it can be repurposed / transpiled / decoded easily in order to match the language the user's machine is using. (ie: via regex transformations or content interpretation)


The algorithm will be simulated in a configurable simulation that accepts similar (or identical) commands to the output of the algorithm.


The objective of this project is to design and implement an algorithm that converts high level graphical content into simple commands that draw outlines of the given graphical abstractions.

Because of the given specification, an implementation of a configurable simulator is required.

Bonus objective

Given enough time, implement a configurable slicing algorithm for 3D objects and sequentially pipe them into the main algorithm described above to further demonstrate its usability.

Bibliographic Study

Since the topic of this project is converting images or 2d primitives into a set of 4 directional move commands, the first thing I research is image processing and 2d primitives such that project requirements can be established.

Image Processing

From previous experience i know that OpenCV is a helpful framework in this regard.

Documentation can be found here and the github page here

OpenCV relevant API:

For this purpose alone, OpenCV is overkill, so any other solutions that solve these problems in particular are well fitted, however implementation time must also be considered.

Edge detection

The Canny Edge Detector is an algorithm that solves this particular problem.

High Level steps:

  • Grayscale Conversion
  • Noise reduction / Blurring
  • Determining Intensity Gradients
    • Detect edge intensity and direction by using edge detection operators
    • Sobel operator
  • Non-Maximum Suppresion
    • This can be thought out as the thinning of the currently calculated outlines
  • Double Thresholding
    • Filter out pixels by intensity
      • Strong
      • Weak
      • Non relevant :)
  • Edge Tracking by Hysteris
    • Transform weak pixels into strong ones
  • Cleanup
    • Iterate throguh remaining weak edges and remove them

Articles that target this approach can be found here and here

There are other algorithms that can acomplish this as well, such as the Scharr filter and Sobel filter

Convex hulling

Although not necessary, it can be of use when debugging or for future features.

This is currently marked as not a requirement

2D Primitives

The list of 2D Graphics Primitives is pretty narrow:

I did not include particular shapes of other listed items (such as triangles, rectangles,... which derive from polygons, circles which can be generated from ellipses,...)

Programming language

The second most important thing is the programming language that powers the whole system.

The algorithm that performs the conversion must be a standalone that works with commandline arguments in order to fit some criterias specified during the Introduction. Because of this, it does not matter what language I use for this part of the system, as long as algorithmic requirements established during the Bibliographic Study are also met.

Eventhough the simulation is not tied in any way to the algorithm mentioned above, I want both of them to be constructed using the same language and resources.

As far as the Simulator is concerned, I want it to live in a powerful, fast environment capable of creative graphics via any means available (ie: OpenGL)

Memory safety and Thread safety are important for this specific tasks. Given the generic nature this has to be implemented in, it follows that it should support batch processing in order to be included in other systems.


A language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

Rust is matching the given criterias so far. Docs are here

Requirement Resource Info Targeted feature
Graphics nannou Safe, Reliable, Sufficient 2D Primitives
Image Processing opencv-rust Unstable, Untested OpenCV relevant API:
Image Processing rust-cv New, Has Edge detection Edge detection
Statically typed types Programming language
Memory Safe ownership Programming language
Garbage Collector bamboozle ✓, Not a runtime GC Programming language


High level overview and planification:

flowchart LR
  subgraph Init

  subgraph Conversion
    inputif{Is image?};
    edge[Edge detection];
    graphics[2D Graphics];

    subgraph Generation

  subgraph Output
    points_out(PT out);
    commands_out(CMD out);

  config -.- simulation;
  input --> simulation;

  simulation --> inputif;
  inputif -->|yes|edge;
  inputif -->|no|graphics;
  edge --> points;
  graphics -->points;

  config -.- points;
  points --> commands;

  points --> points_out;
  commands --> commands_out;
  dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
  title Project planification
  excludes Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

  section Overall

  Simulation            :active,  ov1, 2021-10-22,  10d
  Conversion            :         ov2, after ov1,   10d
  Merging Modules       :crit,    ov3, after con5,  3d

  section Documentation

  Project Proposal      :done,    doc1, 2021-10-08, 2d
  Bibliographic Study   :done,    doc2, 2021-10-10, 3d
  Planning              :done,    doc3, 2021-10-16, 1d
  Analisys              :active,  doc4, after doc3, 2d
  Design                :crit,    doc5, after doc4, 2d
  Implementation        :crit,    doc6, after sim1, 2d
  Testing and Validation:crit,    doc7, after con5, 2d

  section Simulation

  Context setup         :active,  sim1, 2021-10-22, 4d
  Control Rod           :         sim2, after sim1, 2d
  CTL                   :         sim3, after sim2, 2d
  Command Interpreter   :         sim4, after sim3, 1d
  Config                :crit,    sim5, after sim4, 1d

  section Conversion

  Context setup         :crit,    con1, after ov1,  1d
  Input parsing         :         con2, after con1, 1d
  Edge detection        :         con3, after con2, 1d
  2D Primitives         :         con4, after con3, 2d
  Config                :crit,    con5, after con4, 2d

Command output

What hasn't been discussed yet is the command output language.

The normal approach to this problem would be to compile the point collection into GCode since it is the most widely used CNC programming language. However i decided to go with a custom approach since the simulator that accepts these commands will be simple, and the commands themselves are simple enough too.

The program must accomodate a drawing mechanism. Such mechanisms need to be able to move on a plane (drawing or not) and optionally stay idle

Thus the command list compilation is

  • Pen down
    • Puts the pen down
    • Any move statements after this will be drawing on the canvas
  • Pen up
    • Raises the pen up
    • Any move statements after this will just transport the tip to another location
  • Move {X|Y} {DIST}
    • Move the tip DIST on X or Y axis
  • GO {X} {Y}
    • Move the tip to coordinate {X} {Y}

When implementing, GO was deprecated and removed from the project

Config options

A detailed config option documentation can be found on the conversion program documentation

converter 0.1.1
Virghileanu Teodor <@GaussianWonder>
CNC Converter

    converter [OPTIONS] <INPUT> [SUBCOMMAND]

    <INPUT>    Sets the input image to use

    -h, --high_threshold <FLOAT32>    Sets the high threshold for the Canny edge detector (<=1140.39) [default: 60.0]
        --help                        Print help information
    -l, --low-threshold <FLOAT32>     Sets the low threshold for the Canny edge detector (>=0) [default: 50.0]
    -o, --output <DIRECTORY PATH>     Sets a custom export path
        --skip-canny                  Skips the Canny edge detection and uses the input image as-is after a black and white conversion
    -V, --version                     Print version information

    export    controls export features
converter-export 0.1.1
Virghileanu Teodor <@GaussianWonder>
controls export features

    converter <INPUT> export [OPTIONS]

    -d, --debug_preview <FLOAT32>    Exports the image with points traced on it. This comes with its own scale value for point precision. See point_precision for details
    -h, --help                       Print help information
    -i, --image                      Export edge detected image to the given export path. This is disabled by the --skip-canny flag
    -p, --p_precision <FLOAT32>      Exports edge points with a given precision. This is a scale factor for the initial image resolution
        --skip-indexing              Excludes individual edge images from the debug_preview
    -V, --version                    Print version information


The simulation will pick an image from the assets folder and let the user change some configuration settigs of the conversion program.

The settings which can be played with are:

  • Precision (slider)
  • Low Threshold (slider)
  • High Threshold (slider)

The settings which change the simulator drawing:

  • Speed (slider)
  • Scale (slider)
  • Offset (XY pad)

The simulation never stops, but it can be resetted.

Debug images and exports from the conversion program can be viewed outside the application

Changing the input will result in a reactive color hint of the Reset button.


The implementation comes with a few dependencies for both the simulation and the conversion program.



  • serde - serialize and deserialize data in json format
    • serde
    • serde_json
  • clap - command line argument parsing
  • image - encoding and decoding images
    • image
    • imageproc

The conversion program comes with its difficulties. Most of the relevant code is packed in lib.rs and canny.rs, the most notable being the to_points and the to_serializable_points functions.

Both take the GrayImage dithered with bi-level color map (Black and White) as input and return a vector of edges (vector of vector of points).

The problem that is targetted here is the ordering of the points such that the points are clockwise or anti-clockwise sorted.

The current implementation works well for thin lines, as it is using DFS to fetch the points in a tracable order, however, to handle thick lines we should instead pick the edge to insert the point into from a big set of edges, instead of creating edges iterratively.



  • nannou - 2D and 3D rendering
  • converter - The converter above

The simulator is a simple 2D application that uses the results of the conversion program and controls a drawing pen on the screen to draw the edges sequentially.

It contains minimal code to provide a simple interactible UI with enough feedback to the user.

I will not go into details, since the code can be inspected for non-project related details.

The parsing of commands and drawing of the CNC milling tip is available in tracer.rs which exposes a class that manages a virtual pen.

Testing and Validation

While testing the simulator nothing can be noted apart from the inverted projection of the points. This is due to the different coordinate system images and graphics APIs use. This is not mitigated in any way, however a rotation transformation can be applied on all points, or the point coordinates can be inverted.

The most notable tests are only concerning the conversion program:


Sometimes the program would panic (cancel thread execution because of unexpected errors) when handling file reads and writes if the directories are not created beforehand.

This problem is not solved, however, a very good and detailed message is displayed before the program exists. This is ok, since the program is intended to be used as a tool, if any of the user input provided from the CLI is missing, the user might've done a mistake.

Examples of such messages can be seen at every: (lib.rs, arg_parse.rs)

  • .expect() call
  • .is_err() check on the Result type
  • if let Some(x) check on the Option type

Point conversion

When testing i found that it is very hard to debug the program because the only feedback i got was a JSON with hundreds of points.

Thus the first idea was to display the images in an OpenGL window. This quickly got aborted because the converter program should be bloated with such things.

The solution to this was to draw the points and edges on the actual image, then save it to a file. This is how the --debug_preview --skip-indexing flags were born.


This project has proven success, although it still contains minor bugs.

The conversion program works well:

  • it has a very nice and intuitive CLI
  • it is capable of encoding and decoding multiple formats of images
  • it can detect edges
  • it can trace the detected edges and plot points in regard to a selected precision
  • it can convert the points into GCODE-alike commands

The simulator works as described:

  • it parses the commands retrieved
  • it simulates a CNC machine

Due to this being so easy to get up and running on every platform, no images are provided. Installing rust and following each submodule's dependencies is enough to get started. Rust will handle everything for you.
