
Logs keystrokes, mouse clicks, mouse position (screen divided by 25x25 pixel squares), and time spent on windows

Primary LanguagePython

Required python modules:

  • psutil
  • keyboard
  • mouse (LATEST FROM GIT)
  • Platform dependent:
    • win32process, win32gui (WINDOWS)
    • AppKit (MAC)
    • wnck or gi or (ewmh or Xlib)

What does it do?

  • Logs keypresses (requires sudo on linux, see keypress lib)
  • Logs mouse movement, clicks and wheel turns (requires sudo on linux, see mouse lib)
  • Keeps track of time spent on each app

Accepted args:

  • 'debug': prints errors and stuff on the console
  • 'json': converts the sqlite3 db to json formatted files
    • $ sudo python main.py debug (activates debug)

The data.db.zip file containes an empty sqlite3 db with every table required

Almost cross platform, no mouse support for mac