
Dictionary Attack Zip Files

Primary LanguagePython

Dictionary Attack


  • Target Dictionary Creation: TDAT.py

    • This python code is used to create a target dictionary using the personal details of the target person. The code is Modular so that it can also be used as a part of another project as well.
  • Crunch Dictionary Creation: crunch

    • A linux command which creates strings from the characters given within the specified range.
    • usage: crunch min_len max_len characters_used > file_name.txt
  • Attack Zip File: DictionaryAttack.py

    • This python code is used to attack the encrypted zip file using a user provided dictionary. The dictionary passwords are converted into bytes and then an attack is performed. Zipfile module is used for this purpose
    • usage: python DictionaryAttack.py -l dictionary.txt -f ZIP_FILE_PATH
  • Run Script: run_dictionary_attack.sh

    • This combines all the modules like TDAT.py, Crunch and Dictionary attack on one single run script.


  • Linux Terminal
  • Python 3
  • Python libraries
    • tqdm
  • C++ 11 or above
  • Crunch

TO Run
