
postcss plugin for convert the unit to another unit

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status npm version

postcss plugin for convert the unit to another unit


$ npm i postcss-unit-to-unit -D


postcss-unit-to-unit has some options to config.

    from: 'rpx',
    to: 'px',
    multiple: 1,
    decimalPlaces: 0,
    skip: 'skip',

options.from, default as px

String, the unit should be replaced, e.g. 'rem'

options.to, default as px

String, the unit should be replace with, e.g. 'rem'

options.multiple, default as 1

Number, replace value with originalValue * multiple

options.decimalPlaces, default as 0

Number, the number of decimal places

options.skip, default as skip

String, skip the rule marked as this option. e.g. { margin: 10px; /* skip me */ }, if set 'skip me', plugin will not convert this rule


const postcss = require('postcss');
const plugin = require('postcss-unit-to-unit');

  // pass your options
})]).process(/* your css */)
    .then(result => {
        // do something