
基于 Ant Design Button 组件封装的 Mendix Pluggable Widget,标记了一个(或封装一组)操作命令,响应用户点击行为,触发相应的业务逻辑。 A button means an operation (or a series of operations). This widget provide a Ant Design Button in Mendix. Clicking a Button will trigger some logic in Mendix.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

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This widget provide a Ant Design Button in Mendix. Clicking a Button will trigger some actions/logics in Mendix.


  1. 5 type of button provided:

    • Primary button: indicate the main action, one primary button at most in one section.
    • Default button: indicate a series of actions without priority.
    • Dashed button: used for adding action commonly.
    • Text button: used for the most secondary action.
    • Link button: used for external links.
  2. And 3 other properties additionally.

    • danger: used for actions of risk, like deletion or authorization.
    • ghost: used in situations with complex background, home pages usually.
    • disabled: when actions are not available.
  3. If a large or small button is desired, set the size property to either large or small respectively. Omit the size property for a button with the default size.

  4. 3 shapes options: Default, Circle, Round.

  5. block property will make the button fit to its parent width.

Installation and Usage

Add this widget to the Mendix Project

  1. Download the mpk file from here.
  2. Copy the mpk file to your Mendix Project directory {YourMendixProjectFolder}/widgets/.
  3. Open your Mendix Project with Mendix Studio Pro and click on the menu Menu > App > Synchronize App Directory.


  1. Add widget Antd Button to a Page.

  2. Config the parameters, including: Caption, Type, Shape, Size, Block , OnClick Event and etc. button-helper-01

  3. Run the project locally and check.

Demo Project

  1. You can access the online demo from here to show the features of this widget.
  2. You can also download the demo project to run it on your own PC.

Datail of properties

Main Section

  • Caption:button text.
  • Button Type:button type.
  • Button Shape:button shape.
  • Button Size:button size.
  • Button Block:full width as parent or not.

Status Section

  • Disabled:status default as No.
  • Danger:status default as No.
  • Ghost:status default as No.

Event Section

  • OnClick Event:button event.

Comparing the antd Button

Here is a list of all the properties of Button in antd, with a description of whether this widget supports the property and why it does not. To see the meaning of the original property in antd, please move here.

antd properties Description Supproted Comments
block fit width as the parent Y
danger danger status Y
disabled disabled status Y
ghost make background transparent and invert text and border colors Y
href Redirect url of link button N No need in Mendix
icon Set the icon component of button N WIP
loading Loading status N WIP
shape Button shape Y
size Button size Y
target Same as target attribute of a, works when href is specified N No need in Mendix
type Button Type Y
onClick OnClick event Y

Issues, suggestions and feature requests

[link to GitHub issues]

Development and contribution

  1. Install NPM package dependencies by using: npm install. If you use NPM v7.x.x, which can be checked by executing npm -v, execute: npm install --legacy-peer-deps.
  2. Run npm start to watch for code changes. On every change:
    • the widget will be bundled;
    • the bundle will be included in a dist folder in the root directory of the project;
    • the bundle will be included in the deployment and widgets folder of the Mendix test project.