
Story telling platform prototype developed with MeteorJS

Primary LanguageCSS


Personal Legend is an interesting part of my development history, and a project that I never thought would be ‘public.’ Until today this project sat dormant in a private BitBucket repo.

It’s been about a year and a half since I last looked at the code, and it’s been an interesting exercise going back and reviewing it. While I cringe at some of the code, I’m also very proud of how much I learned while working on this project. Whether it was design/UI experiments, learning the ropes with Meteor, or just trying out different tricks I’d learned with JS as a whole, this project is where I’d invest most of my free time for the better part of a year.

I recently attended a really great talk on open-source. At one point the speakers discussed the advantages of sharing your code publically, and how it made them stronger developers. I think over the first few years of my programming career, I was very self-conscious of my abilities as a programmer, and was really nervous of sharing code (especially experimental code) which may have made me look ‘less-than’ in the eyes of my peers. However, in the spirit of transparency, I’m happy to open this code up as a sign of where I’ve been in the earlier stages of my career, and perhaps how far I’ve come.

This project will likely not run as is (.ENV file missing and all that), but if you’re ever curious about some of the decisions I made on this project, feel free to hit me up and I’ll try my best to remember where and/or why certain decisions were made 😂