Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Basic Info

Project Name: Global Voting System

Group Name: TBD.

This is the repository for UBC EECE571G Blockchain Software Engineering Project, 2020.


  1. cd client : npm install
  2. New workspace in Ganache with truffle-config.js under root
  3. truffle compile
  4. truffle migrate --reset
  5. type "npm start" under ./client
  6. Copy first account key from Ganache and import into metamask with new created account
  7. Refresh the page


This Dapp is for straight voting and cumulative voting on the blockchain.

What is the difference between straight voting and cumulative voting? -> see here[https://tremblylaw.com/cumulative-and-straight-voting-know-the-difference/]

Key functions:

  1. Candidate Creation ** Can only be done by deployer **
  2. Share Allocation ** Can only be done by deployer **
  3. Vote setting & vote start end date ** Can only be done by deployer **
  4. Vote type change ** Can only be done by deployer **
  5. Vote for multiple candidate (But you can't exceed the number of open seats, and can't exceed your shares)
  6. View personal vote history
  7. Change personal vote (maximum 3 times)
  8. Change the your vote (You have 3 chances to change your vote)
  9. View real-time voting results



solidity + truffle + Ganache


react + web3 + bootstrap


Main page


My account page


Results page
