
Client API of Nebula Graph in Python

Primary LanguagePython


This directory holds the Python API for Nebula Graph. It is used to connect with Nebula Graph 2.0.

Before you start

Before you start, please read this section to choose the right branch for you. In branch v1.0, the API works only for Nebula Graph 1.0. In the master branch, the API works only for Nebula Graph 2.0.

The directory structure

    |-- nebula2                               // client code
    |   |-- fbthrift                          // the fbthrift lib code
    |   |-- common           
    |   |-- data           
    |   |-- graph           
    |   |-- meta           
    |   |-- net                               // the net code for graph client
    |   |-- storage           
    |   |-- Config.py                         // the pool config
    |   |__ Exception.py                      // the define exception
    |-- examples
    |   |-- GraphClientMultiThreadExample.py  // the multi thread example
    |   |-- GraphClientSimpleExample.py       // the simple example
    |   |__ ScanVertexEdgeExample.py                   
    |-- tests                                 // the test code
    |-- setup.py                              // used to install or package
    |__ README.md                             // the introduction of nebula2-python

How to get nebula2-python

Option one: clone from GitHub

  • Clone from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-python.git
cd nebula-python
  • Install
sudo python3 setup.py install

When your environment cannot access pypi, you need to install the following packages manually.

  • django-import-export
  • future
  • six
  • httplib2
  • futures # python2.x is needed

Option two: using pip

pip install nebula2-python

Quick example to use graph-cleint to connect graphd

from nebula2.gclient.net import ConnectionPool
from nebula2.Config import Config

# define a config
config = Config()
config.max_connection_pool_size = 10
# init connection pool
connection_pool = ConnectionPool()
# if the given servers are ok, return true, else return false
ok = connection_pool.init([('', 3699)], config)

# get session from the pool
session = connection_pool.get_session('root', 'nebula')

# select space
session.execute('USE nba')

# show tags
result = session.execute('SHOW TAGS')

# release session

# close the pool

Quick example to use storage-cleint to scan vertex and edge

You should make sure the scan client can connect to the address of storage which see from SHOW HOSTS

from nebula2.mclient import MetaCache
from nebula2.sclient.GraphStorageClient import GraphStorageClient

# the metad servers's address
meta_cache = MetaCache([('', 45500),
                        ('', 45500),
                        ('', 45500)],
graph_storage_client = GraphStorageClient(meta_cache)

resp = graph_storage_client.scan_vertex(
while resp.has_next():
    result = resp.next()
    for vertex_data in result:
resp = graph_storage_client.scan_edge(
while resp.has_next():
    result = resp.next()
    for edge_data in result:

How to choose nebula-python

Nebula2-Python Version NebulaGraph Version
2.0.0.post1 2.0.0beta
2.0.0rc1 2.0.0-RC1