
The Evyan Todo UI App is a feature-rich task management application created with the powerful GETX state management toolkit. This application plans to provide users with a seamless and straightforward way to manage their tasks, schedules, and priorities. Let's take a tour of the main screens and functionalities.

Primary LanguageDart


Table of contents

System requirements

Dart SDK Version 2.18.0 or greater. Flutter SDK Version 3.3.0 or greater.

Check the UI of the entire app

Check the UI of all the app screens from a single place by setting up the 'initialRoute'  to AppNavigation in the AppRoutes.dart file.

  • [Splash screen] The opening screen establishes an atmosphere for the program and greets users with a visually engaging interface.

  • [Login and Signup Screen] Users can securely log in to their existing accounts or create new accounts to have access to customized features and data.

  • [Home Page] The app's centre hub provides an instant summary of tasks, priorities, and upcoming activities.

  • [Profile Page/Personality Screen] Users can personalize their profiles and gain insight into their task management personalities.

  • [Setting Screen] A comprehensive settings page includes the Language Changing Page.

    • Profile edits
    • Terms and Conditions
  • [Add TODO Task Screen] - Calendar View: Visual representation of upcoming events. The Task Management Screen categorizes tasks as

    • All
    • In Progress
    • On Hold
    • Completed.

Application structure

├── android                         - It contains files required to run the application on an Android platform.
├── assets                          - It contains all images and fonts of your application.
├── ios                             - It contains files required to run the application on an iOS platform.
├── lib                             - Most important folder in the application, used to write most of the Dart code..
    ├── main.dart                   - Starting point of the application
    ├── core
    │   ├── app_export.dart         - It contains commonly used file imports
    │   ├── constants               - It contains all constants classes
    │   ├── errors                  - It contains error handling classes                  
    │   ├── network                 - It contains network-related classes
    │   └── utils                   - It contains common files and utilities of the application
    ├── data
    │   ├── apiClient               - It contains API calling methods 
    │   ├── models                  - It contains request/response models 
    │   └── repository              - Network repository
    ├── localization                - It contains localization classes
    ├── presentation                - It contains widgets of the screens with their controllers and the models of the whole application.
    ├── routes                      - It contains all the routes of the application
    └── theme                       - It contains app theme and decoration classes
    └── widgets                     - It contains all custom widget classes

Libraries and tools used