The goal of this structuring is to allow code to be packaged into 'modules': collections of files all related to a specific purpose/content type packaged together. This is so it is easy to find all pieces (models, routes, controllers, tests) related to a content type in the same place, and so it can easily be picked up and placed in another project. We also wanted to make sure that the stack was built with testing from the start.
It is intended that you will use docker and docker compose. You'll need to copy variables.env.example to variables.env and set the values and then run the commands below via command line to get started:
NOTE: We are going to use a bash alias to make running docker-compose files a bit less verbose. You can run the following to create docker-compose-local
, docker-compose-test
, and docker-compose-deploy
alias commands:
echo "alias docker-compose-local='docker-compose --file=docker-compose-local.yml'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias docker-compose-test='docker-compose --file=docker-compose-test.yml'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
echo "alias docker-compose-deploy='docker-compose --file=docker-compose-deploy.yml'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Copy the deploy variables example file:
Copy the variables example file:
cp docker/variables.env.example docker/variables.env
(The file needs to exist even if you aren't deploying because docker will complain otherwise)
And if needed modify it:
nano docker/variables.env
Run this command:
docker-compose build
Then run the container:
docker-compose up
You should then be able to access the api at the following url:
If you need terminal access inside your application (for example, to install new npm dependencies):
docker-compose exec api bash
(Note: exec requires that we choose a service, which is why we have to specify api, which is defined in our docker/docker-compose.yml)
To stop the container:
docker-compose stop
To remove the container's image:
docker-compose rm
In order to run the test suites, you can either run:
docker-compose --file=docker-compose-test.yml
or, if you've aliased the command, the simpler:
docker-compose-test up
The API docs are auto-generated with hapi-swagger when the server is running
To start the server, run the Installation/Docker Commands, primarily
docker-compose up api
The docs should now be available at http://localhost:23086/documentation
In this repo there is a docs
folder which contains further documentation. See Docs