
A Linux client for Elgato Stream Deck devices

Primary LanguageC


Elgato Stream Deck client for Linux

Made with 💙 by Ricardo Markiewicz // @gazeria.

Project Status:


Currently the following StreamDeck product variants are supported:

  • StreamDeck Original V2
  • StreamDeck Mini

Also support but not tested yet:

  • StreamDeck Original
  • StreamDeck XL


A plugin arquitecture is being created and is still in its early stages.

Test Plugin

A dummy plugin to test the code. You can set a color and when you click the button it will be rendered with that color and back to the default image.

System Plugin

  • Open URL: Set an url and when the button is tap open the url in the default browser
  • Write Text: Write a text in the current focused window.

OBS Plugin

Work In Progress!!. You need to install and enable OBS Websocket plugin in OBS Studio.

  • Chance Scene

How to install

udev setup

On linux, the udev subsystem blocks access to the StreamDeck without some special configuration. Save the following to /etc/udev/rules.d/50-elgato.rules and reload the rules with sudo udevadm control --reload-rules

SUBSYSTEM=="input", GROUP="input", MODE="0666"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0060", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0063", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="006c", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="006d", MODE:="666", GROUP="plugdev"

Unplug and replug the device and it should be usable

Install dependencies

$> apt install xvkbd meson libusb-1.0-0-dev libhidapi-dev libhidapi-libusb0 libgtk-3-dev libev-dev libjson-glib-dev


$> meson setup _build
$> ninja -C _build


$> ./_build/gtkdeck

Website icon icon by Icons8