
vscript library

Primary LanguageSquirrelMIT LicenseMIT

VScript Library


High-performance vscript libraries; written mainly for CS:GO, compatible with Portal 2.


See Documentation.md


Download the library file you will be using, and place it in your vscripts directory /csgo/scripts/vscripts/

  • vs_math.nut: Standalone math library. Game independent.
  • vs_events.nut: Standalone lightweight game events library. CSGO only.
  • vs_library.nut: All libraries. Includes unique utility functions in addition to the math and events libraries.
  • glow.nut: Standalone glow object manager.


Include the library file at the beginning of your script: IncludeScript("vs_library")


It only needs to be included once in the lifetime of the map running in the server. Including it more than once does not affect the performance.

Math library

The math library is based on Source engine. Working with this makes moving from and to Source development very easy.


Utility for asynchronous function execution.

function fn2() { print("2\n"); }
function fn3() { print("3\n"); }

VS.EventQueue.AddEvent( fn2, 1.0, this );
VS.EventQueue.AddEvent( fn3, 2.0, this );
VS.EventQueue.CancelEventsByInput( fn2 );

Extended player

Use ToExtendedPlayer() to access some of the missing player functions in CSGO such as EyeAngles(), GetPlayerName() and GetFOV(). See the documentation for details.

local player = ToExtendedPlayer( VS.GetPlayerByIndex(1) );

print(format( "Draw view frustum of [%s] %s\n", player.GetNetworkIDString(), player.GetPlayerName() ));

local aspectRatio = 16.0/9.0;

VS.DrawViewFrustum( player.EyePosition(), player.EyeForward(), player.EyeRight(), player.EyeUp(),
	VS.CalcFovX( player.GetFOV(), aspectRatio * (3.0/4.0) ), aspectRatio,
	2.0, 16.0, 255, 0, 0, false, 5.0 );

DebugDrawBoxAngles( player.EyePosition(), Vector(2,-0.5,-0.5), Vector(16,0.5,0.5), player.EyeAngles(), 0, 255, 0, 16, 5.0 );

Automatic player info acquisition

The game events library completely automates player userid, SteamID and Steam name acquisition; and also exposes game event listener registration from script with VS.ListenToGameEvent().

This requires setting up these 2 entities:

	targetname: vs.eventlistener

	Entity Scripts: vs_eventlistener.nut
	Template01: vs.eventlistener

where vs_eventlistener.nut file contents should read:


Player info will automatically be put in their script scope.

local userid = 2;
local player = VS.GetPlayerByUserid( userid );
local scope = player.GetScriptScope();

printl( scope.userid );
printl( scope.networkid );
printl( scope.name );

This also enables VS.ListenToGameEvent() and VS.StopListeningToAllGameEvents() functions to manage event listeners dynamically from script.


VS.ListenToGameEvent( "bullet_impact", function( event )
	local pos = Vector( event.x, event.y, event.z );
	local ply = VS.GetPlayerByUserid( event.userid );

	DebugDrawLine( ply.EyePosition(), pos, 255,0,0,false, 2.0 );
	DebugDrawBox( pos, Vector(-2,-2,-2), Vector(2,2,2), 255,0,255,127, 2.0 );
}, "DrawImpact" );

Use on dedicated servers

It is not possible to get the Steam name and SteamIDs of human players that were connected to a server prior to a map change because the player_connect event is fired only once when a player connects to the server. This data will only be available for players that connect to the server while your map is running.

This issue is fixed in listen servers, and players are guaranteed to have valid SteamIDs.




You are free to use, modify and share this library under the terms of the MIT License. The only condition is keeping the copyright notice, and stating whether or not the code was modified. See LICENSE for details.

See also