
An unoffical HearthArena Plugin for the ArenaHelper Plugin for HearthStone Deck Tracker

Primary LanguageC#


An unoffical HearthArena Plugin for the ArenaHelper Plugin (https://github.com/rembound/Arena-Helper) for HearthStone Deck Tracker (https://github.com/Epix37/Hearthstone-Deck-Tracker). Very "Inception" I know.

This plugin is VERY unoffical and if you are using it you should consider donating to HearthArena (see http://www.heartharena.com/) and show them your support for their work.

This plugin will be removed from github if requested.

Installation Instructions

  1. Extract the contents of the zip into ArenaHelper\plugins.
  2. Right click on the .dll file and select properties, then unblock.
  3. Restart Hearthstone Deck Tracker.

Note: the ArenaHelper plugin system is very much in a state of flux. The latest release (0.0.4) works for ArenaHelper 0.4.1, but this could break with future releases.

