Fullstack docker


This project uses docker to build a full stack(react, node and postgres) web application.

The front end runs on http://localhost:8001/

The api runs on http://localhost:8000/

How to run locally

  • Must have the following on your machine:

    • Docker
    • Node
    • Docker-compose
    • Yarn
  • Paste the following in a database.env file within the database folder. You can change the values to be whatever you want.


Run docker-compose up in terminal to get services running

Useful tips

  • To connect to the database run docker-compose run database bash this will take you into the databse container shell. You can then use psql --host=database --username=<<POSTGRESS_USER>> --dbname=<<POSTGRESS_DB>>

  • Remove all volumes docker-compose down -v useful thing to do for when you install a new package, though this deletes databse data too.