Dark Brown Theme with pastel colors created by Ballerini Community
Ballerini Theme currently support 1 application. You can find them below:
if you want to create a new theme based on our palette, check our guide.
Palette |
Hex |
Preview |
Background |
#261C1E |
38 28 30 |
348° 15% 13% |
Current Line |
#3A2624 |
58 38 36 |
5° 23% 18% |
Selection |
#583c38 |
88 60 56 |
7° 22% 28% |
Foreground |
#FFF2E7 |
255 242 231 |
27° 100% 95% |
Foreground Alt |
254 236 203 |
39° 96% 90% |
Comment |
#8E646B |
142 100 107 |
350° 17% 47% |
Pastel Blue |
#97D4D9 |
151 212 217 |
185° 46% 72% |
Pastel Pink |
#feafbe |
254 175 190 |
349° 98% 84% |
Pastel Green |
#B3DFD3 |
179 223 211 |
164° 41% 79% |
Pastel Yellow |
#EFC764 |
239 199 100 |
43° 81% 66% |
Red Orange |
#A45A49 |
162 89 73 |
11° 38% 46% |
Light Red |
#E68E7B |
230 142 123 |
11° 68% 69% |
Pink Red |
#E94554 |
233 69 84 |
355° 79% 59% |
Dark Brown |
#2F2325 |
47 35 37 |
350° 15% 16% |
Green |
#67E480 |
103 228 128 |
132° 70% 65% |
Cyan |
#55EDC4 |
85 237 196 |
164° 81% 63% |
Initially, the Ballerini Theme was created by Alpha Vylly, inspired by Ballerini Community's brand guide. And currently we are looking for people to create a team, to keep theme updates for other plataforms.
The structure of Ballerini Theme was initially created Yo Code, with the help of Themes VSCode One for the prototype. And later came to be created a structure inspired by Dracula and Omni.
MIT License